Did you know these facts about the sense of smell?


Human beings are accustomed to carrying out our lives automatically, the body performs millions of biological actions every moment and we can ignore at least 98% of them; activities such as digestion, salivating, blinking and metabolizing food are some of the many examples that can be named.

Smell is precisely the sense of which we are less conscious, because with each breath we could inhale an aroma and if we were aware of it, we probably could not focus attention on other activities that require our concentration.

In this sense, we do not realize the impact that perfumes and smells have on our environment, and we are not aware of how vital and important they are for our existence.


  1. Smell as the sense of clairvoyance.

In most cultures, smell has been associated with the ability to perceive beyond the obvious, is directly linked to instinct and intuition; intangible qualities that, once manifested in reality, are surprising in their predictive effects. Phrases like "This smells bad", "To me it smells like ..." are evidence of how sometimes we refer to the doubt generated by some situations. In other words, in the collective imagination, to smell more is to be able to perceive what others cannot and anticipate danger, attack and betrayal.

This link may have been generated because the smell gives us information about the physical environment that surrounds us: if something is burning, if a food is decomposing or if there are technical problems in the car; it is probably through this sense that we are alerted and take action.  

In a transcendental way, this sense allows our survival.

  1. The aroma and biological love.

Smell is the most developed sense at birth; it is precisely for this reason that babies recognize their mother by her scent and is the most instinctive way to create a bond between the two.

In addition, it plays an important role when choosing our partner, as there are chemical reactions among people, which can be perceived by this sense that give signals about the biological compatibility of the subjects; this means that two people who are opposites and incompatible in this aspect, through one way or another will be rejected by their smell.  

  1. Emotions can be smelled.

It has been scientifically proven that emotions can be perceived. A person who experiences a feeling will have a chemical reaction in their body and this will produce a special smell. Among the easiest reactions to measure are fear, happiness and sexual arousal.


  1. Odors and their effects on taste.

As previously mentioned, the aroma alerts us to rotting foods; nevertheless, its effects are also present to warn us when a good meal is approaching. Once we begin to perceive the smell of a delicious meal, the body begins to react, appetite is activated, and we salivate more. In fact, around 85% of what we like is thanks to the smell; we cannot enjoy a delicious food immersed in a smelly environment, while we will eat an unappetizing meal enveloped by a space that smells very good with more enthusiasm and satisfaction.

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