• Olfactory Workshop - Fragrances that inspire

    Olfactory Workshop - Fragrances that inspire
    In the midst of the Olympic environment and the kites season in Colombia we wonder what are the fragrances that inspire us and make us fly. Those aromas that take our senses to another level and lift up the spirit, those that make us feel motivated to elevate our dreams and goals, unique fragrances, perfumery designed so that we identify with each of its notes. The Chocolate The magic of the chocolate aroma resides in its scents that return us to comfort and well-being, stimulating the production of endorphins, hormones that produce happiness and that also...
  • The olfactory logo.

    The olfactory logo.
    The olfactory logo. Establishing a brand is a task that requires a lot of commitment, dedication and creativity. The mission is established in the long term and even when a relevant position has been achieved in the mind of the consumer, companies must continue to carry out strategies that keep them current in the hearts of potential customers, despite the thousands of competitors that arise daily. Branding is how a brand forms a corporate identity, implementing all assets linked directly or indirectly to a name and its symbol. In other words, they are the tactics that...
  • Creating olfactory strategies to sell more.

    Creating olfactory strategies to sell more.
    It is a method that until now is only starting to be explored and that is why here, you will find the most common and simple strategies that can be implemented. For specific and concrete results from each brand, it is vital to perform an in-depth analysis of the company to offer the appropriate solutions that perfectly align with the interests of the client. THE IDEAL AROMAS FOR SET THE AMBIENCE FOR EACH TYPE OF STORE. Clothing: In these types of spaces, vanilla or the smell of freshly washed cotton works very well; the first aroma...
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